Friday, April 06, 2007

Job Interview

April 5, 2007 9:09 AM

Sitting at a Starbuck's off Bissonet. I have a job interview at 10:30 just down the road but I don't have too much time to write. They want me there half an hour early to fill out paperwork.

I wish I could have gotten the whole day off but ended up having to switch shifts with Jessica so I'm closing tonight. She's working with Marywyn so I bet that's going over lovely. I don't care. I wasn't going to miss this interview for anything.

It's for a medical information company and for some reason I can't even remember their name. Brian is a manager there and he says they are hiring for two immediate positions and there are four of us being interviewed with me and a girl as the prime candidates. It looks pretty much like the position is mine to lose. I told the recruiter that I have to give two weeks notice but I may slide on that if it means the difference in getting the job or not. I better remember to tell her that. I don't want to totally screw Rusty but I need a better paying job with benefits and the benefit package is excellent. Brian loves the company and if I get the job I'm sure I'd advance just like everywhere else I've worked.

On another note, I left my phone in the car last night so my battery is pretty low. I hope they don't have any catastrophes at the shop today. I should try to get Spencer to cover my shift tonight seeing how the kids have Good Friday off and he's losing hours because of Easter. I shouldn't get my hopes up though. Man, I can't wait to get paid vacations, holidays off, and personal days! I've spent way too long at a short staffed and undermanned company. It wears down everyone. Rusty will never learn how to properly take care of and hold on to his employees. Even one's who think it's cool at first grow tired of the place. Well, gotta go.

9:31 AM

Well, that was a short drive. I'm here with 30 minutes to spare. I figure I'll chill for 15 minutes or so and go in a little early. I'm parked in a visitor's space that says,"Parking for a maximum of 1 hour." I hope it's not going to be an issue. My interview is slated for an hour from now.

The company,by the way, is called Medical Research Consultants: MRC. I'll google them when I get home. I know they are a relatively small company, and there is probably only so far you can go without a college degree, but one can keep his hopes up, right?

They reside in the fourteen story Chase building off the West Loop and Bissonet. It's a shorter drive than the Seabrook shop for sure but Brandy and I will no longer be able to car pool. I need to work on her getting a better job. She makes $9.50 an hour but no benefits. I keep telling her that even places like Target offer benefits and not much less in income. Oh well, one step at a time. I know she wants to go back to school and if I hadn't left Universal she'd probably be looking at Fall courses already. I just want her to be happy and our family to be secure. As long as we are always looking to improve we should get there sooner rather than later.

5:34 PM

At work. I called Spencer and left a message but I'm pretty sure I'm here for the duration. We close at 10:30 so I think I'll switch duties with Chelsea to make sure we're out no later than 11PM

11:18 PM

Well Spencer never called me back and this is the first chance I've had to write anything

I'm at Dixie's Diner getting some grub before bedtime. All I've had today was two doughnuts on the way intown and a cookie from the batch I baked this afternoon.

I got the job - they still need to do a background check but it's pretty much sealed up. Brian said they told him I start in 2 weeks. Rusty didn't seam pleased but I think he figured it was coming once I told him I had an interview. The way I see it he should have been planning on this day since I took over Seabrook. I told him I didn't want to manage and that as soon as a better opportunity came I'd be gone. I guess he didn't think it would be so soon.

Well, I've had a long; full day and I have to be back at work in six hours so I'm going to cut this entry short. Besides, my food just arrived :) Man, I'm starved!

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