Monday, August 14, 2006

Vermont Life

I have been keeping a journal while on vacation and initially was hesitant about posting in online, but I have decided that if I piss people off it's just my nature.

Here's the first installment:

August 10, 2006 4:15 EST

I'm not sure if today is Thursday or Friday. Let's see, I flew in on Tuesday and have stayed two nights so far so I guess it's Thursday.

I'm crouching on the sidwalk on Main St. smoking a cigarette in front on Mocha Joes. I had to get them to grind the Rwandan I bought yesterday because (despite what Rob says) he does not have a grinder. He handed me a Cuissinart last night and swore that it'd work just fine but the grind was so coarse, and the coffee so weak, that it was like drinking tea.

Wow. Two nights and I can't imagine what it's going to be like after two weeks of vacation! Yesterday I thought I was going to go mad from missing Brandy and the boys but I think I need this. It didn't help that we spent so much time at Rob's parents house. I love them. They are like a second family but it was too much like going into a time warp and they are by nature pessimistic unmotivated people. Sitting in that house drives me nuts! Now that Rob's working I can get out and do some self exploration.

It's funny. I actually like having to walk everywhere. It gives me time to think; to exist. You should have seen the look on everyone's face when I suggested we take Ashlynn to the park last night. Rob didn't think she'd want to go, his Mom was worried about them closing, and even Ash was hesitant. "Do I have to?" she asked me. I don't understand how they can stay cooped up in that house all day. I didn't eight years ago and I don't today. I have determined that I am not going to spend my vacation sitting on my ass listening to the same negativities. I don't care if I wear my soles out and step on a few toes while I'm at it. I need fresh air!

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