Monday, August 14, 2006

Vermont Life Part IV

August 14 2:34 AM EST

It's the wee hours of a Monday morning and I barely have enough moonlight to read my own writing. I'm in the Brattleboro Commons again and with temperatures closing in on the upper 30's I can't help wondering how Michael is faring.

I came so close to calling it an early night but had initially decided to watch "Cast Away" until Brandy called.

She was feeling lonely so I stopped the movie and decided to take a walk while we talked. Next thing I knew I was in a relatively new pub chasing Guiness with Green Mountain Coffee. My kind of place, right?

Well, the hour is late, I still have a short hike before I can rest, and the three Killians I killed before leaving, as well as the three Guiness I killed downtown, are starting to catch up to me. So I think I'll leave this slightly drunken entry short.

One reminder before I begin my trek: John, you must hike downtown more often at night and try to write. The atmosphere is so quaint and serene and there aren't too many opportunities to capitilize on left. Enjoy your vacation to the fullest!

2:47 AM EST

One more update before my hike: The number of casualties, and consequently flags, has grown to 2,595. Four more Americans have perished in Iraq.

P.S. I can see my own breath, it's that cold!

1 comment:

john said...

My didgital camera is broken :(
All pics so far have been taken with either my phone or a disposable camera.

(in other words: either they haven't been processed or the simply suck)