Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Monday April 30, 2007

Monday April 30, 2007 9:28AM

New week. The movie was hilarious. Shaun of the Dead was probably a bit better but they managed to reference pretty much every trait possible in a buddy cop/action flick. All the quick cut editing gave Carrie a headache, and I usually hate the style, but here it was hilarious because of how over the top it was. Funny shit.

When I left this morning Aidan was working 1st grade level schoolwork while relaxing in our bed. At this rate, by the time he gets in Kindergarden, he'll be reading 2nd or 3rd grade level. It's awesome. He doesn't do the work simply to please us, although that helps, but he truly seems to enjoy learning. I swear that kid is a sponge. He reminds me of myself.

Eric and I are supposed to do something tonight or tomorrow night. I'm not sure which. By the time I get out of here tonight I may not feel like driving to Clear Lake. Ideally he would come to our house so I could spend time with the boys. It's either that or not getting to his house until around 9PM and staying until midnight or so. I really don't want to spend the night at his house and rush home to get ready for work tomorrow morning. Who knows, maybe tomorrow night would be better.

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