Sunday, February 26, 2006 - Technology - E-Mail With A-L-L-A-H Turned Away By Yahoo - Technology - E-Mail With A-L-L-A-H Turned Away By Yahoo

Now I don't know how they can possibly riot against an online entity, seeing how most radicals probably don't have access to the internet, but I'm curious to see if anything comes of this.

And Yahoo wonders why it's getting it's ass kicked by Google

Monday, February 20, 2006



take a look into a day at different locals around the world
interesting peak into society on a daily and global scale

Saturday, February 18, 2006

AdCritic Interactive

Ordering a pizza in the all too near future

Unfortunetely, this doesn't sound too far from the truth.

Kick ass shots!

Some of the most amazing basketball shots I've ever seen.
I should send this to the Rockets scouting department!

Who knew skateboarders were such good basketball players?

Test your patten recognition

I took this the other day next to my shop.
See how many four leaf clovers you can spot and then highlight my answer below to read it:

I see four of them. If you see more let me know but you are probably wrong. ;)

(note: the one on the top left is actually two 3's next to each other... look at the spacing of the leaves)

Well, I guess I should post a little about life...

We finally got the boys haircuts last weekend. Here's the before and after with Aidan:

And here's the after:

(Both pics are taken with my phone so sorry about the quality)

Brandy's comment afterwards was, "Aidan's head looks smaller and Rowan's head looks bigger." Now, I never thought I could imagine Rowan with a bigger head but I'd have to agree with her.

Here's them falling asleep at the dinner table the next night:

Rowan was actually eating in his sleep in this shot. Hilarious ;)

Cities -

Houston buildings at

check out this extensive record of architecture here in the Bayou City!

here' a diagram that shows largest to smallest!

Free eBooks - Project Gutenberg

Free eBooks - Project Gutenberg:

over 17,000 titles online for FREE!!

this site rocks!

American Rhetoric: Top 100 Speeches by Rank

Need to quote someone?

The top 100 speeches in streaming audio!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Oxford Text Archive

Spending too much time on the computer??
There is a ton of free literature at The Oxford Text Archive

You have to mail in a form to download them but free is free!

GameSpot Video Player

The Playstation 3 will be here soon!

Sony E3 Game demo (streaming)

and check out the preview for Killing Zone! (streaming)

Angry Alien Productions, Sase and Topsie

American Cinema in 30 Seconds reinacted with bunnies!


Pulp Fiction!

Star Wars!

and many, many more!



An awesome chronicle of one family's journey through time!
It makes me sad to think that it won't be long before my munchkins are making babies of their own :(

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Fun Latin

From Latin for all Occassions:

* My dog ate it.
Canis meus id comedit.
* I did call. Maybe your answering machine is broken.
Sane ego te vocavi. Forsitan capedictum tuum desit.
* Baby, Sweetheart, would I lie to you?
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
* The check is in the mail.
Perscriptio in manibus tabellariorum est.
* I was kidnapped by aliens. What year is it?
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt. Qui annus est?


* I think some people in togas are plotting against me.
Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.
* In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags.
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
* If Caesar were alive, you'd be chained to an oar.
Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
* I'm not interested in your dopey religious cult.
Nihil curo de ista tua stulta superstitione."

MSNBC - News of the Weird

if a chimp can do it surely I can too!!

MSNBC - News of the Weird: "China's Xinhua news agency reported in October that Ai Ai, the veteran chimp at the safari park in Shaanxi province, who is 27 years old and who started smoking cigarette butts at age 11 when her first mate died, has finally kicked her nicotine habit. Zoo officials attributed her success to distractions such as exercise, music (via a Walkman 'borrowed' from a keeper), and better food, such as fried dishes and dumplings. [BBC News, 10-3-05]"

MSNBC - News of the Weird

You gotta love news of the weird.

MSNBC - News of the Weird: "Ms. Sierra Stiles, age 8, was credited with the first bear kill in Maryland in the limited October hunting season, downing a 211-pounder from 50 yards away with her .243-caliber rifle. (She had won one of the lottery-awarded permits and then aced the safety test.) And according to a Seattle Post-Intelligencer profile in January, Aidan Gold, age 8, of Bothell, Wash., recently climbed a 20,300-foot peak on Mount Everest in the Himalayas with his dad, adding to his previous climbs in the Cascades and the Alps. Aidan said the last part of the Everest climb (a 45-degree stretch of rock and ice) was 'the (hardest) 3,000 feet I've ever done.' [Washington Post, 10-25-05] [Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1-2-06]"

I love that quote at the end!